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Periodic Caustic Texture (C++, OpenGL)
Description: generating periodic caustics pattern in space and timeOverview: random (fractal) surface profile by filtering a three-dimensional white noise by a power law-like filter in space and a Gaussian-like filter in time
- random height field generation based on frequency synthesis
- smoothing in time with Gaussian filter
- projection of the resulting surface (triangles) to the ground plane
- Periodic Caustic Textures by Jos Stam
- Frequency Synthesis of Landscapes (and clouds)
NVIDIA PhysX 2.x Engine (C++, PhysX, DirectX9)
Description: game like physics sandbox application, with data driven "levels" featuring the core components of the PhysX 2.X SDKFeatures:
- simple OO entity hierarchy
- xml based scene description - meshes, textures, materials, actors, scenes
- PhysX features – rigidbody, cloth + tearing, pressure cloth, softbody, joints, terrain, forcefields
Computational Fluid Dynamics (OpenFOAM)
Description: automatic CFD simulations in the OpenFOAM frameworkFeatures:
- the cases don't need any assistance from the user but for the initialization (flow parameters, geometry), all the tools are open-source
- meshing – adaptive size and grading (bash and Python)
- multi-step solution – steady-state running, coarse to fine mesh interpolation, transient running
- bash based case setup and running
Patch Radiosity (Wolfram Mathematica)
Description: image synthesis based on light reflections off diffuse surfacesSteps:
- divide surfaces into patches
- calculate form factors between patches
- solve linear system arising from the radiosity equation
- Peter Schröder, Pat Hanrahan – On the Form Factor between Two Polygons
- D.L. DiLaura – Nondiffuse Radiative Tranfer 2 – Planar Area Sources and Receivers
- An-SeopChoi – Practical applications of form factor computation in lighting calculations
Autodesk Maya - Meshing (C++ API)
Features:- torus knot curve node
- raw Bezier data to nurbs surface
- raw Bezier data to polygon mesh
- Gerstner waves
Autodesk Maya - RealFlow
Features:- melting script
- modeling + pouring setup
Autodesk Maya - Python, PyQt
Description: Candy Crush Saga style game with Maya primitivesFeatures:
- game logic scripted in python
- mesh creation, key frames, shader setup in python
- basic PyQt GUI